I am starting to find my mojo. It began with organizing and it is blossoming into something fun. Meanwhile, the delightful
Blah, Blah, Blahg lets you download the image above in a multitude of lovely colors. You can visit the original art from moleitau by clicking on the pic.
I love creative people who share. Recently, thanks to
my dear reader Red Tara (herself a fine example of sharing and inspiration) I was turned on to the lovely
Sita Sings the Blues. Sita's creator Nina Paley feels the same way I do about
Digital Rights Management. I adore her "I am the Content Industry" tee. You really should check out her blog and watch the lovely and tuneful Sita Sings the Blues- a film she created and freely shares with all of us.
When it comes to art and craft I believe it has all been done before and we riff on the tunes of previous makers. Naturally, we develop new materials and refine techniques all the time. But the creative spirit that is in all of us predates each of us to be sure.
There are artists I admire as much for their interest in spreading skill and knowledge and love of art and making as for their own personal artistic expression. Commoditizing everything is so fucking depressing. Believe me, corporate tyrants want to put a price tag on all of it.
Nina has a quote on her blog from
Frederick Douglass:
“Find out just what people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”-Frederick Douglass, August 4, 1857
Shall we sleep through the sale of our souls?
Comcrap wants to buy a piece of them at a bargain price. And that is but one example.
I was freaking out the other day ( as I am won't to do on occasion) saying really weird stuff about corporate/government conspiracies to control and ration/re or mis-direct the innertubes, denial of access, censorship etc. etc. etc. At one point I wailed something incoherent about "what will we do when they take over the internet?!?" And my gorgeous child told me with infinite patience, "Mama we will just make a new one." And then he proceeded to tell me all about
BBS and the kinds of technical evolution he could imagine and I was blown away by the beauty of that mind. He made me feel hopeful.
Perhaps it is just this decrepit collection of baby boomer decision-makers that has me freaked and when we pass on the young will have a better way forward. At least among my child and his pals there is a sense of creative collaboration and problem solving that is inspiring. They have somewhere along their way learned the fine art of sharing.
As usual, an incoherent but nonetheless heartfelt post.