Busy, busy hands....at least that's what I hope. I crave time to make things. Apart from one jewelry commission, not much has really been accomplished on the "making" front - not even an adequate blog entry.
I love to crochet. I admire knitters. Their precision and ability to count astound me. My favorite knitting project is eyelet washcloths. All attempts at socks end in tears. Sweaters? Be still my heart!
For me, crochet is like meditation. My fingers ache to make loops. So, last week I picked up a great book from the library, Nicky Epstein's Crocheted Flowers.
I have been making flower motifs for a while. I love making felted roses and leaves. So, now I've added yummy violets, violas, pansies, heartsease.....whichever you call the sweet little blooms, they are fun to make. Can't you just see a little cluster of these trimming a linen blouse or the hem of a skirt?

I wanted to find the Muench yarn "Touch Me" recommended in the book. Off I went to my local Yarn Garden to discover that at $17.95 a skein, it was not intended for beginner's violas. Rowan cotton glace has a lovely sheen, great colors, and at $6.00 a pop, it's a better option for the first round of these sweeties. I also picked up some lovely bamboo yarns that I've used in Amigurumi projects with my niece Sierra. They too have a yummy look and feel.
While Muench "Touch Me" yarn is delicious and has an iridescent sheen perfect for these flowers, I think I'll refine the technique before springing for such luxury. So far I've just made these two. Ah, but one day soon, after the laundry, bill paying, house cleaning, long working hours, I will settle down and crochet. Just the word itself, crochet, feels like a sip of cool Bull Run water to a parched palate.